Google's new blog finder
Google has a new feature whereby you can find blogs by the bloggers name, or topic. I tried it with my name and then my name + a topic and found it very easy to use. However, it also makes it easier for the blog spammers to be target specific. These are the "Hi, great blog. Come and visit mine on [your topic]. So I'll have to add the stronger filters to the comments. My topical blogs are all getting hit.
At 06 October, 2005 17:15,
11181955 said…
Hi I blgged rolled you to come back, yes I have gotten some of those comments too! and I did try to ad - a spam blocker they said I could down load and it worked on one of my blogs- but not on my coffeetalk one so I gave up. Let me know if you anyone else had this problem.
At 06 October, 2005 22:41,
Anonymous said…
I think the other issue w/google is that the new blogger search seems to penalize blog results in the normal search...
At 26 October, 2005 02:52,
woof nanny said…
Just about everyone is adding "word verification" now to stop the spam. I haven't had any since I did that. You already have it, so I'm surprised if you get any (did you just add it?). Thanks for the comment on my blog too :)
At 23 January, 2013 11:51,
Robi said…
I'm wondering if there is a new code to put in to help Google Focus on WHAT the blog IS. My Title does not really explain that my blog is about an Off-the-Grid travel destination. Hmmm..
My spam feature on Wordpress is pretty good (all comments must be approved once. But the email is getting spammed big time by fake ADP. Sigh more work
I have a hard time with the letters so I use small addition for my classified section.
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