Coffee Spills

What I hear and see and think about at the coffee shops I patronize.
Brisk. Fresh. Well-balanced. Occasional nutty and bittersweet overtones.
If you got here from my profile, you probably need to visit my main blog, Collecting My Thoughts which is updated every day.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Ready for the day

A cup of coffee, my notebook, and the newspaper at Panera's. Ready for the day.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Coffee on holidays

I make really awful coffee, but yesterday the weather was nasty, and I did dust off my Mr. Coffee 3-cup maker. It wasn't too bad--I even added a bit of chocolate raspberry flavored coffee.

"Going out" for coffee is something I've done for about 50 years--starting probably when I worked the counter at Zickuhr's Pharmcy in my home town. That's when it was $.10 a cup and I'd get a dime tip and all the town's gossip for free. It is still a social event, at least for me. No matter what McDonald's or Caribou or Cup 'o Joe's I enter, I see a group of regulars solving the day's problems. That's why I have a special blog about coffee shops. So you see, I've been on the other side of the counter too.

Today is "black Friday," and I chatted with two women who'd come to Panera's at 6 a.m. when they saw the huge line snaking around the K-Mart lot waiting for it to open. They were enjoying their coffee and some holiday rolls while sorting through a pile of newspaper ads and inserts. The younger one said she'd worked at K-Mart for 3 years when she was a teen-ager and just wanted to see what it was like on the other side. But not that bad!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Python cowboy boots

He's a regular at the coffee shop, always conservatively dressed. We nod and share the Wall Street Journal. Today he was wearing cowboy boots, a huge step away from his usual attire, so I just had to ask. Turns out his company was sending him to Texas a while back, for what I've forgotten, or maybe he didn't say. So he went on e-Bay and ordered "some costumes" because they were to dress appropriately. He'd taken quite a liking to the boots and bought four pair.

"Are you sure they call them costumes in Texas?" I asked.