Coffee Spills

What I hear and see and think about at the coffee shops I patronize.
Brisk. Fresh. Well-balanced. Occasional nutty and bittersweet overtones.
If you got here from my profile, you probably need to visit my main blog, Collecting My Thoughts which is updated every day.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Perky coffee clerk

Yesterday afternoon I went into Caribou with my "Tuesdays with Morrie" book. The clerk asked me where I was in the book, and I admitted I didn't remember. "I loved that book," she said. "Our literature teacher read it to us when I was a junior in high school, and I cried." I was really stunned. What a fabulous idea for kids who are into gaming and computers. Read aloud to teen-agers. Pick a simple, but moving story, one which they may someday reenact. Not only will you teach them about life, but for some it may rekindle an interest in books.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fashion at the coffee shop

I must have missed this fashion trend.

This one however actually is in fashion, but is on the wrong person.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Coffee in Portugal

Just in case you're traveling, here's a list of coffee phrases for Portugal at a Thursday Thirteen.

Then you can stop by to visit my Thursday Thirteen which is 13 things you may not know about librarians while drinking your coffee.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

A coffee shop poem

Week-end joggers
(inspired by the view at Caribou Coffee)

Somewhere in the city today,
in coffee shops
in parks
on street corners,
women are gathering to jog.

To pass the time they will chat,
ignoring the pain and breathlessness,
planning benefits and luncheons,
bragging about the children,
complaining about boyfriends and husbands.

Pardon me while I just watch
knowing it all jiggles when I jog
though I avoid benefits and luncheons.
Besides, the children are grown
and my husband is perfect.