Needs another set of hands
At the coffee shop this morning I settled on the sun porch to read the house newspaper and had a nice view of all the activities of main street Lakeside (which is 2nd and Walnut). I noticed a 30-ish man buying a huge box of hot donuts from the restaurant across the street. He was leading two huge dogs, about the size of half grown calves--Newfies?--while carrying the large box. He carefully stopped at the newspaper kiosk, lowering the box of donuts, and inserted his money for the Sunday Plain Dealer (very large with all the inserts). Balancing the paper on top of the box, holding it in place with his chin, he made it across the street with his herd of dogs, one of which was wearing a surgical collar the size of a starched tablecloth. I think he paused at the coffee shop, but thought better of adding to his juggling act.
He carried no pooper-scooper with him, so everyone on 2nd Street watch your step today.