How will you spend Thanksgiving?
The coffee shop employee told me with a big smile she was planning to have six Thai students from Ohio State come for dinner on Thanksgiving Day. She'd heard about the International Friendships program at her church, and thought it would be a lot of fun. I was an English language partner with a young Chinese woman for several years through that program. Another employee told me she'd either be spending the day alone, or with her family. She wasn't smiling. I don't think either option had much appeal. One of the regulars regaled me with stories of his wife's dysfunctional family and past holidays. Yes, holidays are interesting, aren't they?
We'll be going to our daughter's after 10 a.m. services at Lytham Road UALC where the chancel will be heaped with sacks of groceries. From there the food goes to Lutheran Social Services Food Panty.
We'll be going to our daughter's after 10 a.m. services at Lytham Road UALC where the chancel will be heaped with sacks of groceries. From there the food goes to Lutheran Social Services Food Panty.
Labels: family, Food pantry, Thanksgiving, UALC