Coffee Spills

What I hear and see and think about at the coffee shops I patronize.
Brisk. Fresh. Well-balanced. Occasional nutty and bittersweet overtones.
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A mother's example

This morning at the coffee shop I was chatting with another regular who had just returned from Florida's Disney World where his family had vacationed. He couldn't say enough for the accomodations, the food, and the staff, who he said, treated them like royalty. Despite the heat, they didn't want to come home--they felt so pampered. He said they must have special training programs to teach the staff to deal with idiots. At one point they were waiting in line to get the autograph of "Tigger," and when they were about one family away, Tigger had to take a bathroom break, so the handler told the people waiting it would be about 15 minutes (if you've ever tried to get out of one of those costumes, I'm surprised it isn't longer, plus there are probably labor rules even for imaginary animals).

The woman in front of him threw a hissy fit and refused to accept the handler's explanation on why she'd have to wait another 15 minutes. She screamed at him. Her little children, and all the other children waiting were watching, of course. Then she left the kids in line and went into a gift shop to cool off (as did his wife), bought a few things, and screamed at the clerk in the gift shop to hurry up because her children were waiting.

My coffee-drinking friend said he was sure there is security around in plain clothes, and he was surprised they didn't haul her away. Maybe they are trained to distinguish between the dangerous and the old fashioned rude.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Buckeye fan in the coffee shop

Fan at Caribou ready for the game

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The coffee shop fashion show

Hot, sweaty rubber boots over knee socks worn with a short, short mini skirt--now there's a winning look. 20-something.

An ankle-length print dress, ankle-high boot shoes, long side curls to the shoulders with the rest of her hair piled high, held up with a jeweled comb. 40-something.

Mama ca. 45, thin, comes in wearing cut-off jeans-skirt, unhemmed, about 2 inches below her bottom. Daughter, maybe 12, also long hair, is in jeans shorts. Walks and looks like Mom, except her hair is her natural color.
