Coffee Spills

What I hear and see and think about at the coffee shops I patronize.
Brisk. Fresh. Well-balanced. Occasional nutty and bittersweet overtones.
If you got here from my profile, you probably need to visit my main blog, Collecting My Thoughts which is updated every day.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Procter & Gamble Says Pampers Dry Max Don't Cause Rashes

Silly me. I used cloth diapers. A chemistry teacher was explaining at the coffee shop the gel in the diapers that holds the urine and makes them feel dry. She uses them for lab experiments. Look, mommies. If a product gives the baby a rash, change products. Everyone has allergies to something. And don't make that poor kids sit around 2 hours in a urine soaked and absorbed diaper.

Procter & Gamble Says Pampers Dry Max Don't Cause Rashes -

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Made her day

A woman in a simple black sheath, black belt, modest jewelry and black high heels with a good haircut and understated make-up walked past my table.

"Job interview today?" I asked.

She looked a bit puzzled, and then said, "No, just going to work."

"Well, you look absolutely fabulous."

As she left, she paused at my table and said, "Thank you, you made my day."

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I asked why the big sigh as we stirred our coffee. "Four kids out the door, now I face a classroom of 14 year olds who have been 9 years in the same building and want to be elsewhere."

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


"We missed you at church on Sunday," I said as she passed my table. She paused a moment thinking and replied, "We were at Magee Marsh watching the warblers." I think she said they saw 25 different warblers.
    "There are about 37 species of warblers that usually make an appearance here. Due to their reluctance to cross Lake Erie, the birds pile in on the forested beach ridges in large numbers and provide spectacular bird watching opportunities."

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Four weeks until school's out

Today at the coffee shop I asked a school teacher how long until school lets out and he said "142.5 hours."

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